Thanks for your time and your quick reply with clear overview, but perhaps I have not been clear enough myself in explaining my problem.
I know how to manage and set permissions, ACL and Access Levels, but in this case I cannot find out exactly which permissions are involved.
I have tried and changed all article and category permissions, I have tried all other Access Levels, I have tried with Super User rights, I switched between JCE Editor and TinyMCE, I tried with some other J5 sites without complex usergroups and Access Levels, but no avail.
So I still do not understand why, after setting a specific category in the settings of the "Create Article" menu item, it is not possible for a Front End publisher to change the category when creating a new article, except after saving this new article and editing it again on the site in the Front End.
On the other hand, leaving the specific category blank in the settings, changing category is not a problem.
In my mind, this doesn't make sense, but maybe it is by default and I should resign myself to it and produce a howto for my users.
I no longer have J3 or J4 sites, but I seem to remember that this was possible back then.
Can you reproduce this?
I know how to manage and set permissions, ACL and Access Levels, but in this case I cannot find out exactly which permissions are involved.
I have tried and changed all article and category permissions, I have tried all other Access Levels, I have tried with Super User rights, I switched between JCE Editor and TinyMCE, I tried with some other J5 sites without complex usergroups and Access Levels, but no avail.
So I still do not understand why, after setting a specific category in the settings of the "Create Article" menu item, it is not possible for a Front End publisher to change the category when creating a new article, except after saving this new article and editing it again on the site in the Front End.
On the other hand, leaving the specific category blank in the settings, changing category is not a problem.
In my mind, this doesn't make sense, but maybe it is by default and I should resign myself to it and produce a howto for my users.
I no longer have J3 or J4 sites, but I seem to remember that this was possible back then.
Can you reproduce this?
Statistics: Posted by luk2016 — Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:35 pm