Hello Tinchus, I hope your are doing fine...
It seems like you need to tweak a lilttle bit your home layout. But I can't see if your entire landing page strcuture.
I can see you have 2 menu modules already, the one on the top, and the one on the right side, which you will need to position accordingly to your menu position instead of right.
I don't know if your 3 card articles shown on your landing page are FEATURED articles or you chenged the positioning of those articles.
Nevertheless; you should try changing the right menu position to menu instead of right and you should try to configure your BLOG LAYOUT options for your MENU ITEM to get rid off the main article view, you can set it to 0 Leading Articles.
If you can share a complete image of your landing page, I can help you with detail steps to do that.
You can change your blog layout options within your menu item (in the blog layout tab) or in the Global Configurationi options on your Joomla! Site within the Articles Options and then Blog/Featured Layouts.
For your top menu where you want to place the contact information, you can create a custom module with the email and just position it on the SEARCH position. That will be a quick fix, but you can also change some css on your menu with flex, widths and justify content, but that will be a little bit more advance.
I hope this insights will help you,
Kind regards,
It seems like you need to tweak a lilttle bit your home layout. But I can't see if your entire landing page strcuture.
I can see you have 2 menu modules already, the one on the top, and the one on the right side, which you will need to position accordingly to your menu position instead of right.
I don't know if your 3 card articles shown on your landing page are FEATURED articles or you chenged the positioning of those articles.
Nevertheless; you should try changing the right menu position to menu instead of right and you should try to configure your BLOG LAYOUT options for your MENU ITEM to get rid off the main article view, you can set it to 0 Leading Articles.
If you can share a complete image of your landing page, I can help you with detail steps to do that.
You can change your blog layout options within your menu item (in the blog layout tab) or in the Global Configurationi options on your Joomla! Site within the Articles Options and then Blog/Featured Layouts.
For your top menu where you want to place the contact information, you can create a custom module with the email and just position it on the SEARCH position. That will be a quick fix, but you can also change some css on your menu with flex, widths and justify content, but that will be a little bit more advance.
I hope this insights will help you,
Kind regards,
Statistics: Posted by Moches — Wed Jun 12, 2024 6:44 pm