I have set the menu-item "Create an article" >>> "Options" >>> "Specific category" to No.
Now, in the front-end a publisher can change the category wenn creating a new article.
But wenn the specific category is set to Yes and a category is specified, a publisher cannot change this category wenn creating a new article. A small red circle pops up. At the other hand, changing the category wenn editing an existing article, or the newly created article, in the front-end does remain possible.
Is this by default ? I would expect that it should be possible to change category always, not only for existing articles.
I have set the menu-item "Create an article" >>> "Options" >>> "Specific category" to No.
Now, in the front-end a publisher can change the category wenn creating a new article.
But wenn the specific category is set to Yes and a category is specified, a publisher cannot change this category wenn creating a new article. A small red circle pops up. At the other hand, changing the category wenn editing an existing article, or the newly created article, in the front-end does remain possible.
Is this by default ? I would expect that it should be possible to change category always, not only for existing articles.
Statistics: Posted by luk2016 — Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:48 pm