Multilingual Happiness!!! Yeah Joomla! 5.1.1!!! You did it!!! Marvelous comittment on the part of everyone!!!
This is a long message where I highlight the successful conversion of a J 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 with more than one language and lots of other mods done already.
Basically this is the roadmap....
1. Updated to J 5.1.1 and decided to tackle having a multi-lingual site (with seeing a clean and green Multilingual Status to display when finished with everything) with both USA and GB English to start out and pages to answer to every link.
2. Admin > System Dashboard > Content Languages > Installed English US pack
3. Went to > Languages and selected English (United States) en-US as the site default.
4. Checked multi-lingual status to see that I had work to do (i.e. no check marks and typical expected messages to content with)
a. there is no en-US published home page set to USA English
b. there is no en-GB published default home page set to GB English
c. Warning: The menu module displaying the Home menu item set to language "All" should not be published.
5. Menus > Manage > Created a new Menu Item which I named 'Home ALL' set to public access (intending to be the unpublished module)
6. Menus > Manage > Created a new Menu Item which I named 'Home GB' set to public access
7. Menus > Manage > Created a new Menu Item which I named 'Home USA' set to public access
8. Created one single article for each of the new menu items:
a. Home ALL is in a Menu Item I named 'Home for ALL Languages' Linked Module pointing to itself which is then unpublished
b. Home GB is in a Menu Item I named 'Home for GB English' and Linked Module new module I created named GB HOME and pointing to itself on sidebar-left which is published.
c. Home USA is in a Menu Item I named 'Home for USA English' and Linked Module pointing to itself which is published
9. Assigned the respective Linked Modules to each of these. Also linked the respective other articles I made in advance to meet site objectives as to what is displayed when choosing USA or GB on the language selector module.
10. Added a load module into the article to load the language switcher module.
11. Enabled Plugins for:
a. System Language Code, and made sure each language code is set to match up
b. System Language Filter, but kept the default settings therein, Lan Selection for new Visitors to Browser Settings
12. Enabled the four various language extensions in 'Extensions: Manage'
13. Rechecked the multi-lingual status to see that all three problems are now resolved and all the status markers are enabled with all green check marks.
14. I did not yet make the actual en-gb alias, but instead added System Redirect and setup a redirect to catch en-gb clicks and route the user to another page I made for English GB visitors.
15. Login and Logout every which way, Click every flag buttons for every place I added the {load module} to call language switcher. Everything works like a charm. This system is lightening fast too. Plus I have Joomdle, Moodle, Community Builder, BS MyJspace, PhocaPDF, JXML2, and bunch of other big and small extensions.
16. Then checked to see the Menu Manager is correctly flagging which item is which language
Doing all of the above took my over 15 hours of experimenting, trial and error, process of elimination to get this going. I now see what is needed to do the following:
a. Child Template
b. Selected Overrides
c. Whole bunch of language overrides
17. Verified in Language Overrides that I can select my pack and add my overrides. Seeing my stuff going beside the originals makes me assured the new J update wont scrub my efforts.
Thanks everyone!
This is a long message where I highlight the successful conversion of a J 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 with more than one language and lots of other mods done already.
Basically this is the roadmap....
1. Updated to J 5.1.1 and decided to tackle having a multi-lingual site (with seeing a clean and green Multilingual Status to display when finished with everything) with both USA and GB English to start out and pages to answer to every link.
2. Admin > System Dashboard > Content Languages > Installed English US pack
3. Went to > Languages and selected English (United States) en-US as the site default.
4. Checked multi-lingual status to see that I had work to do (i.e. no check marks and typical expected messages to content with)
a. there is no en-US published home page set to USA English
b. there is no en-GB published default home page set to GB English
c. Warning: The menu module displaying the Home menu item set to language "All" should not be published.
5. Menus > Manage > Created a new Menu Item which I named 'Home ALL' set to public access (intending to be the unpublished module)
6. Menus > Manage > Created a new Menu Item which I named 'Home GB' set to public access
7. Menus > Manage > Created a new Menu Item which I named 'Home USA' set to public access
8. Created one single article for each of the new menu items:
a. Home ALL is in a Menu Item I named 'Home for ALL Languages' Linked Module pointing to itself which is then unpublished
b. Home GB is in a Menu Item I named 'Home for GB English' and Linked Module new module I created named GB HOME and pointing to itself on sidebar-left which is published.
c. Home USA is in a Menu Item I named 'Home for USA English' and Linked Module pointing to itself which is published
9. Assigned the respective Linked Modules to each of these. Also linked the respective other articles I made in advance to meet site objectives as to what is displayed when choosing USA or GB on the language selector module.
10. Added a load module into the article to load the language switcher module.
11. Enabled Plugins for:
a. System Language Code, and made sure each language code is set to match up
b. System Language Filter, but kept the default settings therein, Lan Selection for new Visitors to Browser Settings
12. Enabled the four various language extensions in 'Extensions: Manage'
13. Rechecked the multi-lingual status to see that all three problems are now resolved and all the status markers are enabled with all green check marks.
14. I did not yet make the actual en-gb alias, but instead added System Redirect and setup a redirect to catch en-gb clicks and route the user to another page I made for English GB visitors.
15. Login and Logout every which way, Click every flag buttons for every place I added the {load module} to call language switcher. Everything works like a charm. This system is lightening fast too. Plus I have Joomdle, Moodle, Community Builder, BS MyJspace, PhocaPDF, JXML2, and bunch of other big and small extensions.
16. Then checked to see the Menu Manager is correctly flagging which item is which language
Doing all of the above took my over 15 hours of experimenting, trial and error, process of elimination to get this going. I now see what is needed to do the following:
a. Child Template
b. Selected Overrides
c. Whole bunch of language overrides
17. Verified in Language Overrides that I can select my pack and add my overrides. Seeing my stuff going beside the originals makes me assured the new J update wont scrub my efforts.
Thanks everyone!
Statistics: Posted by JimHomyak — Fri May 31, 2024 4:50 pm